2 min readOct 19, 2020


The master is the “new” servant!

I am the king, you are my subjects, said a man to his family.

He was raised in a family who did not allow him to walk till he turned 5. They made him believe that he is a prince. His whole life he was to be praised by everyone that surrounded him and he would not blink before insulting others. At the same time he was kind hearted person too. He wanted to provide for his family and wanted to give best. Unfortunately, in his desire to be served he couldn’t see anyone but himself. Arrogance, attitude, insulting others became his personality. He would belittle his wife, children and family to keep his confidence supply going. No matter how much family loves him, they would feel suffocated in his company. Even with the best of his intention to provide to his family his daughter ran away from him and his son became his forever servant and continued to feed him the urge to be served by losing himself in the process. His wife continued to serve as any other dependent wife would. He hated his mom till his last breathe, for not understanding and abandoning him after his siblings arrived. To some he is a villain & to some he is a victim. I would say he was a victim. He was deprived to be independent so the parents can be proud on the “rajashahi” they gave to their children. In doing so, they took away his confidence, made him forever needy of appreciations, validation, love, respect and above all confidence. As a parent and an informed citizen, we need to learn to bring balance. What the parents did for this child, we are now doing to ourselves, the role of the parents is taken over by the companies. We pay them to serve us. Help ya feel like a “king” Google knows you more than your partner. YouTube knows your song collection more than your friends. No need to ask for location, there are GPS. Giving away intelligence to artificial intelligence. There is still time to give the gift of real world to our future generations. Let’s invest wisely. Let’s choose intelligently. As the era of the “King” no more exists.




I am a traveler in the journey called life, playing the roles of a learner, daughter, wife, mom, coach, friend, counselor & contributor in the journey of life.